
Thanks to Ddraig Goch for the terms.

Evolution - the theory that the various existing lifeforms are derived from preexisting types through natural selection
DNA - abbr deoxyribonucleic acid, which occurs in the nucleus of cells, and is the material that makes up genes
Carnivore - an animal that eats other animals in order to survive
Herbivore - an animal that eats plants in order to survive
Omnivore - an animal that eats both plants and animals in order to survive
Piscivore - a carnivore that eats specifically fish in order to survive
Detrivore - an animal that eats dead plant or animal matter in order to survive
Insectivore - a carnivore that feeds specifically on insects in order to survive
Frugivore - a herbivore that feeds mainly on fruit in order to survive
Xylophagous - an animal that eats wood and plant matter in order to survive
Primary Consumer - see herbivore
Tertiary Consumer - see carnivore
Primary/ Tertiary Consumer - see omnivore
Browser - a herbivore that feeds on the leaves of trees or shrubs
Grazer - a herbivore that feeds on grasses
Carrion - the remains of a dead animal
Biota - the lifeforms within a specific time or place, eg. the biota of the Jurassic Period
Environment - the local surroundings
Habitat - the place, or type of place, where a lifeform naturally grows or lives
Population - a group of individuals of the same species, that live in one area and interbreed
Predator - a lifeform that lives by hunting, killing, and eating other lifeforms
Prey - a lifeform that is hunted by a predator
Apex Predator - the top predator in an environment, that is not preyed upon by any other creature
Biome - a region of distinct lifeforms, such as the rainforests or oceans
Ecosystem - a collection of different species living in the same habitat
Migration - when a species travels to a new location or habitat
Circular Migration - when a species migrates to a new location for part of the year, before returning to its original habitat
Partial Migration - within a species, when one population migrates, but another doesn't
Epiphyte - a plant that grows on another plant as structural support, such as a bromeliad. They are not parasetic.
Zooplantae - lifeforms that exibit characteristics of both plants and animals - colloquially known as planimals
Xenobiology - the study of alien lifeforms. Also known as exobiology
Xenobotany - the study of alien plants
Bauplan - the bodily design of a lifeforms, eg number of legs
Endothermic - able to maitain a constant body temperature regardless of external conditions
Exothermic - having a body temperature that depends on the environment
Gene - a section of a DNA molecule, which determines the physical characteristics of a lifeform
Genotype - the gene types specific to a lifeform
Phenotype - the physical atributes the genotype produces
Aerial - a lifeform that spends most of its life in the air
Arboreal - a lifeform that spends most of its' life in the trees
Terrestrial - a lifeform that spends its life on the ground
Aquatic - a lifeform that spends its life in a liquid environment
Asexual Reproduction - a form of reproduction that involves just one parent
Sexual Reproduction - a form of reproduction that involves two or more parents
Parthenogenesis - a form of reproduction in which an egg develops into a fetus without having to be fertilized
Convergent Evolution - when two unrelated species evolve similar adaptations, due to similar environmental pressures
Bilateral Symmetry - a form of symmetry in which the body consists of two equal halves, on either side of a midline
Radial Symmetry - a form of symmetry in which the body is shaped like a wheel, often with the mouth at the centre
Bipedal - moving on two legs, or having just two limbs
Quadropedal - moving on four legs, or having just four limbs
Hexopedal - moving on six legs, or having just six limbs
Plantigrade - a creature that moves about on the soles of its feet
Digitigrade - a creature that moves about on its toes
Unguligrade - a creature that moves around on hooves
Parasite - a lifeform that lives on or inside another, and feeds either on the host, or on the food that the host has swallowed
Hyperparasite - a parasite that attacks another parasite
Parasitoid - a lifeform that is parasetic for its infancy, but becomes free-living during adulthood
Camouflage - clours or patterns that allow a lifeform to merge with its surroundings
Batesian Mimicry - when an animal looks like a more dangerous animal in order to escape predation
Diurnal - active during the day
Nocturnal - active at night
Crepuscular - active during twilight hours
Vertebrate - an animal with a backbone, or spinal chord
Invertebrate - an animal without a backbone or spinal chord
Colony - a group of animals , belonging to the same species, that live together and divide up their tasks in order to survive
Eusocial - animals, such as termites, that form colonies
Zooid - an individual in a colony
Gestalt - a species whose individuals cannot function on their own, but require other members of their species in order to survive
Symbiosis - a partnership between two members of different species, in which both gain
Neotony - species that, in adulthood, retain the characteristics of their young, such as the axolotl
Atavism - when characteristics from ancestral species appear in modern species, often as a freak mutation
Vestigial - an organ or limb that has atrophied and is now non-functional, eg. the "arms" of Tyrannosaurus Rex
Sapience - often defined as wisdom - a term given to "intelligent" species, eg. Homo Sapiens
Sentience - the ability to sense or percieve ones' surroundings
Respiration - the transport of oxygen around the body
Gaiocentrism - the belief that alien organisms must looks like Terran lifeforms, because "if it hasn't evolved on Earth, it won't evolve elsewhere".
Xenocentrism - the belief that alien organisms must be completely to Terran lifeforms

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