Pandorasaurus' Blog

Revisited animals and taxanomy system

June 6, 2010

 I'm revisiting some of the animals, which will eventually include all of the animals of the European Grassland and Lemuria of 25 MYF, the ocean of 200 MYF, and the Chinese Swamp of 120 MYF. The revisit includes a new format with a Latin name to each, new pictures (if I drew any) that includes an outline of the creatures instead of a white background, the creature is colored, and then there is another image with  an outline of a 6 foot human compared to the creature.

The animals done are the Hipposwine, Buffalo Rabbit, Grazer Duck, and Goatraffe, but those just a few.

The new system is made for the taxonomy project I'm planning. Even though I removed the old system, I am still going to do it. Just with a completely new system.


Welcome to the blog!

June 3, 2010
Welcome to my blog!

That's all. New entries hopefully coming soon.

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I am Pandorasaurus of the SE Forum. To contact me go to the Home Page and click the SE Forum at the top left. There go to "members" and search "Pandorasarus". Register/log in and PM me. Or you can sign my guestbook in the menu. The Postozoic is my personal future evolution project, the base of speculative evolution for me.

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