
In 25 million years future the world is 1 degree hotter than 2010, and rain forests cover the equator but Africa-like savannas are dominant. In the sea dolphins hold their niche but seals filter feed and otters have taken the role of seals and the ambush predator niche north of the equator, where they can't compete with the better adapted crocodilians. An order of primates descended from the Hamadryas baboon start to compete with carnivora for the niche of apex predators.

California has separated and drifted north west, and is covered in lush forests.

--Biomes: California Forest.

North America has separated from South America (though not by much) and moved slightly North, causing huge taiga in the North, forests around the current U.S.-Canadian border and around the coasts, huge prairie in the center, in Central America is a rainforest, and the south-eastern corner of the U.S. (around Florida to Louisiana, north to Southern Missouri (due to Mississippi river) and north to South Carolina) is a huge swamp.

--Biomes: Grasslands, Forest, Rain Forest, Taiga, Swamp.

South America has drifted slightly northward, causing the entire Northern 2/3 to be covered in rain forest, and the southern third to be covered in savannah.

--Biomes: Savanna, Rain Forest.

Africa has crashed into Gilbratar, blocking off the Mediterranean and causing it to dry out, forming a huge salt desert. The northern half of Africa is dry savannah with Acaica plants littering the landscape, similar to todays African Savannah.

--Biomes: Rain Forest, Savanna.

Europe’s western and northern side is covered in forest, the southeastern side is covered in prairie.

--Biomes: Grassland, Forest.

Asia is covered in rain forest to the south-east, the center of Asia in a huge strip is covered in forest, and now-Russia is covered in taiga. There is also a huge desert in the area of the Gobi desert today.

--Biomes: Desert, Forest, Rain Forest, Taiga.

Australia has moved northward to the equator and crashed into Papua New Guinea, it is now covered in rain forest everywhere except for the central savannah, not too different from Africa’s savannah.

--Biomes: Rain Forest, Savanna.

Africa east of the Nile has broken off and formed East Africa (AKA Lemuria) and is covered in rain-forests. It is called Lemuria now.

--Biomes: Savanna.

Madagascar has drifted farther from Africa, and is still covered in rain forest. The primary herbivores are lemurs, the primary carnivores are tenrecs, which are very diverse, resembling hedgehogs, otters, weasels, rats, etc...

--Biomes: Rain Forest.


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